Good Care
International University
Teaching Hospital
Goodcare in partnership with funders in Poland intends to establish a state-of-the-art international teaching hospital.
The hospital will offer teaching capabilities and much more sophisticated and broader range of medical services to top government officials, foreign expatriates and tourists as well as higher and low-income local population.
The hospital will as well develop innovations in research and will improve the quality and availability of health care in Uganda and Africa. It also will give special attention to the needs of the medically underserved Regions in Africa.
The rationale is that Mbarara is a hub for health services in Uganda given that there are already existing and notable health institutions
Build the an international standard specialized hospital, known as Good care International University Teaching Hospital in Mbarara district which will provide services to the western Albertine Region well known for its fuel Development, Ugandans and the East African countries
The hospital will provide an Air ambulance services meant to support the oil and gas industry in the Albertine region and make use of the airport to be constructed in Mbarara
Provide facilities in conducive environment for training of students undertaking health related courses from institutions of higher learning
The project fits within the development planning of the district given that the land for commercial agriculture is limited and only attracts high level investment

Implementation Strategy

Marketing Strategy
- Exchange Programs for Students (University)
- Grants Applications and Operational Research
- Provision of Super Specialized Services and Patient Management in Africa
- Through Targeting Local and International Companies for Medical Care to Employees
- Affiliations with Ten International Universities will give the hospital the visibility
- Manage New Innovative Service Lines to Increase Market Share like Dormitories, Sports Academy Center and Min Supermarket
- Government referrals for public servants and VIPs
- Exploit the East Africa Integration process to market specialized services
Project Management
- VERMARI GROUP as a lead partner with the support of the local contructors, will plan, design, and construct the hospital.
- Strategically as a lead implementor VERMARI GROUP will undertake feasibility studies that will enable the actualization of the master plan.
- Medical Equipmentwill be supplied from poland through the VERMARI GROUP.
- Good Care Uganda Foundation will agree which local companies will work with VERMARI GROUP as subcontractors to bring the project into existence.
Where we are now
- We have engaged Ministry of Health which is the line ministry with jurisdiction on the project and it has pledged its total support to promote the project.
- Through ministry of finance and Uganda investment authority, we were able to get a credit from the his excellence president Y.K.Museveni and commended the preposition of this project in a meeting at Entebbe state house.
- Good Care Uganda Foundation and VERMARI GROUP are here to proceed with the production of the feasibility study which will be submitted to the office of the president and the attached ministries to sign of the project
GCUF Hospital is Standards complaint
- To ensure patient
satisfaction. - Operational efficiency.
- Clinical process of care.
- Leverage Smart Technologies throughout
the facility.
Hospital Administration, IT and Facility managers are tasked with providing;
- Safe and Secure setting.
- Network Connectivity
- Critical Power
- Improved Communication.
- Health Infrastructure Interoperability.